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Why Gamify Learning?


Games foster creativity - a skill that is highly overlooked, under-appreciated, and vital to innovations for the future. Creativity is not only associated with the arts, but also with sciences, mathematics, and virtually every subject of learning. Creativity gives birth to the world’s greatest innovators.


When one plays a game, they are in a state of flow. Flow promotes enjoyment, focus, and creates postivite mental states. It is the peak of skill level and challenge level together, creating an optimal state of learning and relaxation (Csikszentmihalyi, M. 1990).

Deep Learning

Games do not necesarily demand relaying of information - they facillitate deeper thinking. Behaviours and skills are learned; facts are not assessed by memory. Deeper learning promotes both intelectual and personal growth, equiping students with the skills they need for life. It is crucial to reach the deeper level of learning where students’ lives are transformed (Lugenbehl, D. 2003).

Why are games good for learning?

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